Articles October 24, 2023American Neighborhoods Are in TroubleAn expert on fragile states around the world turns his gaze toward his own home in a new book, and October 23, 2023The Cure to Our Social BreakdownFor many American Christians, religious networks operate more as “functional assists” for a particular need or given phase of life. October 20, 2023A better way to address the US epidemics of loneliness and despairAwareness of the risks stemming from our fraying social relationships is growing. October 19, 20235 Questions on ‘Fragile Neighborhoods’At the heart of the book is the idea that rather than top-down or bottom-up, what is called for is October 1, 2023Saving Trees, Losing ForestsWe can think of a particular place as a forest. Young people are the trees — successive generations that will either grow September 15, 2023Securing Trust in People and PlaceNonprofits seeking to improve communities face the hard work of building trust. Success requires prioritizing the people you work with February 23, 2023Detroit won’t thrive without strong neighborhoodsAmerican neighborhoods have declined over the past few decades, contributing to rising inequality, mistrust and depression. While the trend affects January 17, 2023Building Strong Neighborhoods: How Local Initiatives Contribute to Public Safety, Health, and ProsperityAmerican neighborhoods have declined over the past few decades, contributing to many social ills, such as steadily rising inequality, unstable December 17, 2022Social Innovation and Social RenewalAmericans are living through a social crisis that our politics has proven unable to take on. To properly address the December 6, 2022The Forgotten NeighborhoodUnderstanding place-based dynamics can help us address social breakdown. December 1, 2022Strong Neighborhoods: Key to Reviving America and Building a Flourishing SocietyAbstract: American neighborhoods have declined over the past few decades, contributing to rising isolation, mistrust, and polarization. Weaker social ties are April 26, 2022Understanding America’s Fragility ProblemA society is only as strong as its social connectedness, something COVID-19 vividly revealed. April 5, 2022Place-Based Strategies for Reviving AmericaSocial problems are entrenched in distressed communities. New approaches for uplifting neighborhoods demonstrate the scale and collaboration necessary to offer March 1, 2022Beyond Arguments: Reversing Social BreakdownAmericans are reducing their embedded commitments (that is, deep, loyal and long-standing relationships) to each other just when such commitments January 5, 2022Why Liberalism Depends on Neighborhood DynamicsIn recent years, American politics and civil exchange have exhibited rising polarization and declining accommodation for difference. Our tone is October 8, 2021Building Relationships, Strengthening NeighborhoodsSystems change efforts that focus on boosting social capital and collective efficacy through building relationships within communities show promise. But March 23, 2019Reversing Social DisintegrationSocial disintegration in parts of our society is plainly rooted in the decline of key institutions of formation, and especially September 29, 2017A Systems Approach to Social DisintegrationSocial disintegration — especially in working-class neighborhoods hit hard by the decline of the American industrial base — is a misunderstood, even hidden facet Media Events Order Now An urgent exploration of why American neighborhoods are in trouble, and how to fix them, starting with the places we call home. Buy the Book